RESEARCH BY Richard Palmer

The Erie Canal Advantage

Wayne Sentinel, Palmyra
Friday, April 23, 1830

Canal Navigation.

The Canal opened on the 20th inst. and the packet and line-boats have commenced their regular trips. Business will now revive and our villages on the great Erie Canal will feel the beneficial effects of the opening of navigation. Already we perceive the change in our own village. Enterprise, bustle and activity are every where to be seen. The villages on the canal have a decided advantage over our inland villages, and are fast outstripping them in business and increasing population. In the village of Palmyra, as flourishing in as any between Albany and Buffalo, an astonishing change has taken place within a very few years. The location of the Wayne County Bank at this place, must be attended with the most happy consequences in regard to the future growth and respectable standing of this city of the desert.


Henry Andrews said...

Lovvely blog you have here